Monday, January 25, 2016

Oh, My God, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meet The Madoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Yes, girls, that is none other than Blythe Danner, playing Ruth Madoff, in the forthcoming (when???????  I am so looking forward to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ABC miniseries, about the ponzi scheme couple.

                                   Of course, everyone knows Ruth was the brains of the whole operation, so casting one of America's most intelligent--and age appropriate--actresses as Ruth is a stroke of genius. Congrats to the casting director who nabbed this one. Give that guy a raise!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And Richard Dreyfuss as Bernie?  Perfect!  This should be both insightful, and a hoot, and you can bet I will discuss it with all of you. And don't those pearls look great on Blythe????????

                                      Ruth Madoff should be SO flattered!  You can bet she doesn't look as good as Blythe Danner!  And never did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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