Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Why Wasn't Celia Keenan Bolger Nominated For "The Visit???????????" And When Is She Going To Do Another Horror Movie???????????????

                              This is a story that bears repeating.  Back last Summer, when my beloved and I went to see "The Visit," the best moment in the entire movie came during the opening credits, when a name flashed across the screen I had no reason to expect to see--Celia Keenan Bolger!!!!!!!!!!

                                I was astounded.  "Oh, my God!," I cried out, aloud.  "Celia Keenan Bolger!" To which someone else in the back responded, "Who's that?"

                                Well, Celia was just brilliant.  I am telling you, when she brought that home made blueberry cobbler, I am certain Celia made it herself. She is a very gifted actress>

                                  So, why no Oscar nomination for Celia for this film?  Not to mention Blythe Danner in "I'll See You In My Dreams."

                                     As long as the Academy is being blasted for prejudice, add to that list "Blond Haired Actresses From New York."  Hollywood and Gotham have hated each other for ages.  But to not recognize Celia and Blythe is criminal.

                                       Now, Celia, we know you have duties as a mother, and that child is going to college, so can't you do a little work to earn that, and please your fans, who are anxious to see you????????

                                         Meanwhile, we are all looking forward to seeing Andrew this Spring in "Tuck Everlasting!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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