Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Have Colonoscopy Anxiety Disorder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       It all started with Peggy Lipton.

                                       I was going to do a post on the commercials she does with her daughter, Rashida Jones, in which both are comically brilliant.  Not to overlook that Peggy, who was once Julie Barnes on "The Mod Squad," and whom we all wanted to be at one time, is now 69!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it, and looking that good!  So, I was ready to go!

                                        But then I read of her frightening experience. Thirteen years ago, when she was 56, she went to have what she thought was a routine colonoscopy--which meant she had drank that awful stuff--and then she found out there was a Stage III tumor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Peggy and Rashida got busy, Peggy did the chemo, and she got that junk right out of her system.  I suppose I should find this inspiring, and, to an extent, I do, but I am also frightened of the same thing happening to me.

                                            Because, this darlings, is the year of my colonoscopy!!!!!!!!!!  It will be my third; I plan to have it in May/Spring, and I just pray to Mary, Jacinta, Bernadette and everyone I get through it. Then my beloved goes next year.

                                              I have been told by the wise that it does save lives, so that is what this is all about, But losing control, due to anaesthesia is something I don't like, but I don't want to feel anything, either.  And then that disgusting stuff one has to drink--when is science going to improve on that?  And why don't they get busy, at it?????????????

                                               So, yes, dears, I have CAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Till it is over, there is klonopin and herbal tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 What a pain in the ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. My understanding, from friends who've had the procedure in recent years, is there are now alternatives to drinking a gallon of that toxic sludge. The reason this isn't publicized much is that it costs more: insurance only covers the nasty sludge. But if you are willing to pay approx $100 "off-book" you can ask your doctor to prescribe the newer, more efficient, less noxious brew. It comes in a small bottle (roughly 6 oz) and I believe its cherry-flavored. I guess the question is, how much do you value comfort? Speak to your GP for more accurate details. Good luck!


  2. I had no idea. I was never offered any other options. When the time comes,
    I will speak to the doctor!
