Thursday, January 28, 2016

"He's In Love, With Kim! Kim's In Love With Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       As any of my girls know, those words, and this photo, are from "The Telephone Hour" number, from "Bye, Bye, Birdie."  Beautiful, one may say, but what has this to do with the Bitch Of The Week.

                        This week's winner just happens to be from Texas.  Now, I know some have chided me on here about deriding Texas, but when you have homophobic groups committing hate crimes, and fathers, like the winner, Ronald Johnson, acting like an idiot, well, darlings, how can I help but not speak out.  I don't deride Texas; some of it is quite beautiful. Texas is dong it to itself.

                         You know what the divorced father did?  He confiscated his daughter's cell phone, and then would not give it back!  When his ex-wife had the police intervene,. he went up against their authority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            What a bitch!  From the days of "Bye, Bye, Birdie" on, and even more especially today, how can anyone beyond puberty live without their social devices????????  I mean, what is next, putting her in stocks for village display???????????

                                Wait till daughter dear reaches the age of Kim from "Bye, Bye, Birdie!"  Ronald thinks he has troubles now, there are worse things coming down the pike!!!!!!!!!!

                                    She'll tell him she's "got a lot of living to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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