Thursday, January 28, 2016

Why Can't I Be Barbara Jean???????????????

                       Heaven knows, I have the voice, hons!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       But, seriously, I am not trying to assert gender here. It's not like "Miss Gentilbelle," where some sick fuck of a mother, who has a whitened mark where her wedding ring should have been was dissed by her husband, because she was repelled by the sex act, and then had the temerity to have a male child.  Which she makes into a little girl, by raising "Robert" as "Roberta."

                         Now, that is sick.

                         But, when "Nashville"--Altman's masterwork, I mean--came out, back in 1975, how I wanted to be Barbara Jean. Even the nervous breakdown and collapsing at the airport. But, most of all, I wanted to wear the hair, the ribbons, the white gown, and sing.  And I could still do that; what is there to stop me??????????

                         True, I never looked as good as Ronnee Blakley  back then, and these days I look more like Barbara Baxley, as Lady Pearl.

                            But I have always wanted to be Barbara Jean, and, in this age of gender rights, and specification, I see no reason I cannot be.

                              For the duration of a musical gig.

                               Here is Ronnee at her Barbara Jean best!  This is what I want to do!  Enjoy!

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