Friday, January 22, 2016

This Is The Hair Hot Spot For This Year, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Aside from where Blythe Danner gets her hair done in Manhattan--a location I have been trying to find for years, not only so I can go and get my hair done there, but maybe bump into Blythe!!!!!!--the salon of the moment is Sally Hershberger.  Of course, with two salons in the city, THE one to go to is on the Upper East Side--where else?????-- 17 East 71st Street, to be exact!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Do they take men?  If they have sense, they should!  Gay men just eat this stuff up, and we all want to look our best, especially with Valentine's Day coming up!

                             Now, it is true, you can still get a hair appointment with Ariette at Bergdorf's; I mean, it is still socially acceptable, and you can show yourself about town. But Sally Heshberger has become IN, so, for social status in this town--and don't we all want that??????--I think is very important that you all march yourselves over to 17 East 71st Street.

                             I cannot wait to see what they can do with MY hair! And you may see Blythe and I. just chatting it up!  Like real girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Speaking of the lovely Blythe Danner, have you caught the TV commercials for the upcoming ABC "Madoff" miniseries? Looks like she's playing Ruth to Richard Dreyfus' Bernie!


  2. I did not know Blythe was in this! I think it is great that she is playing Ruth. I always felt Ruth was the brains behind the whole thing, and Blythe could play that wonderfully! And she will look a hell of a lot better than Ruth! Ruth should be flattered!
