Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Another "Follies" Of My Childhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The older one gets, the sooner childhood artifacts fade. Look at the remnants of the arcade in Asbury Park.  My heart breaks at the sight of this, yet my memory perks up, of actually having been inside, when fully operating, at a time when I thought Asbury Park was the most magical place on Earth.

                                 And some of you did not think I was raised in New Jersey?  Come on!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I loved the Skooter Ride and the Twister, inside.  They were wild, and, while small, my father had to go on with me.  Today, with him approaching 101, he could probably still handle it, while that once rambunctious kid, now in his Sixties, probably would get an upset stomach from it. Ah, the ravages of time.

                                   Yet, there is something strangely beautiful about this shot.  Like a set awaiting an outdoor production of "Follies."  Now, there is an idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But, first I have to stand in the rubble, like Gloria Swanson, and be photographed!!!!!!!!!!!

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