Thursday, February 18, 2016

What Do I Keep Saying About Closet Cases, Darlings?????????????????????

                         Doesn't Tyler Deaton look like a smug, supercilious bitch??????

                          That is because he is.  Only, he is more.  Of course, he is a big old closet case, and what have I told you about them, girls?  They do harm to anyone they become involved with, in order to protect the reputations they think they have, but really don't.

                             But, in Tyler's case, religion and murder were what was added to the mix, so this is what makes him the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               When I was a child, I thought IHOP meant International House Of Pancakes.  To me, it still does.  Unfortunately, it can also mean International House Of Prayer.  Did you know there is one in Cranford, New Jersey????????  Yet another reason not to go to Cranford.

                                  The one in question, though, was in Kansas City, Missouri.  I know; the Midwest again!!!!!!!!!!!!  Tyler joined this evangelical movement, and formed a tight knit group around him.  He formed what amounted to a cult within a cult, and one of those members was a young woman, Bethany, who had moved to Grandview right outside where what I will call the BAD IHOP was located. She came four years earlier, at 23, having graduated from Southwestern University, in Georgetown, Texas.  By August of that period, she had married Tyler, to whom she was attracted.  Yeah, he was a real smoothie.  I could see straight through him, but Bethany couldn't.

                                     You know these closet cases, darlings!  If a congregant promised donations in exchange for eating her pussy, Tyler would do it.  But that was the least of it.  He had a secret, and how he kept it from Bethany, or how she could not figure it out is disturbing, in both her inability and a certain naivete she must have possessed for Tyler to pull the wool over her eyes.

                                        Everything exploded on October 30, 2012, when, at 9:40 PM, police found Bethany's body, with a convenient suicide note.  Some believed it, some did not.  I did not believe it for a second.

                                           Then, on November 9, another group member, Micah Moore, turned himself in, saying he killed Bethany at the request of Tyler, because he did not want her to expose his secret--that he was having sexual relations with the male congregants. Bethany had been drugged, and had been sexually assaulted by many of the male congregants, including Micah. The joke of all this is that Micah was arrested, tried, and convicted, but Tyler, with that sneer on his face, is still a free man!  He killed Bethany just as much as if he had done the deed himself, to protect his sexual hypocrisy.  And now that Bethany is gone, and Micah locked up, Tyler is so grieving and sorry about Bethany and how he deprived her of a "straight husband."  Give it a rest, Tyler; you would do it again, in a minute.  I know you type!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Still a hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I cannot think of a better choice for Bitch Of The Week. But,remember, Tyler, dear, sooner or later it will catch up with you.  I hope Bethany's family gets the justice they deserve.

                                                  And, dolls, if you are invited to an IHOP, make sure the "P" stands for "Pancakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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