Thursday, February 18, 2016

This Book Could Be The Bitchfest Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Honestly, it has been nothing but bitch, bitch, this week!  One would think this entire day is devoted to bitchery, and perhaps, it is.

                                      No sooner do I finish re-reading "Answered Prayers," certainly the Bitch Book of the last century, then I hear about "West Of Eden--An American Place," which tragically skewers such folk as the Warner Bros.--whose tale of jealousies and deceptions should be entertaining; the tragedy of Jane Garland--no relation to Judy, remember, hers was a stage name--a child who aspired to be an actress but was destroyed by her parents, and schizophrenia, and even Jean Stein's family; but more on that, in a bit.

                                        What caught my attention was that the book dares to go after the Selznicks, during the period David was married to Jennifer Jones.  The portrait of Jennifer Jones painted is of an obsessed narcissist, who did not care about her daughter, once she was born, and, as she grew into womanhood, the two competed with each other, with the daughter loathing her mother, ending in a tragic suicide. David made Jennifer a nervous wreck, leaving his daughter, Mary, who was ten when he died, pretty much the same.

                                         Now, it is true Jennifer Jones changed outfits several times a day, and had her hair done by a hair dresser every day. But, what's wrong with that?

                                          Who is this Jean Stein, who dares to attack the sacredness of Jennifer Jones???????  Let me tell you something, girls, when one stuns the world, with a performance the like of which Jennifer gave in "The Song Of Bernadette," that sets her for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I would like to know if Jean Stein is my old nemesis, Frantique Fromage???????  Are you out there in the wilderness, Frantique??????????  Is that you????????  I am surprised you have not contacted me, as you must be delighted by the hatchet job Jean Stein does on Jennifer Jones.

                                               If Jean is Frantique, then new depths have been sunk to.  As is, now I am almost obligated to read what promises to be the West Coast version of "Answered Prayers."

                                                 Jennifer Jones herself visited Lourdes, twenty years after making 'Bernadette.' The city still stands.  So, what does that say about her????????????????

                                                  More to the point, what does this all say about Jean Stein?????  I will save that for when I finish reading the book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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