Sunday, February 7, 2016

"Hi Ya, Ruthie!!!!!!!!!!!! How You Doin'???????????????????????"

                                Several years ago, on this very blog, I honored Ruth Madoff, by naming her Bitch Of The Week.  Not because she is hateful, like, say Susan Smith or Gemma Killeen, but because she was fascinating, and ambiguous--did she, or did she not, know??????????????

                                 I am still straddling the fence with that one, girls. However, after seeing Blythe play her this past week, I may be leaning a tiny bit more in Ruthie's direction.

                                   What Bernie did was inexcusable, and, IF Ruth knew, she should be held accountable, too.  But, she  did not deserve to lose her entire family, namely her two boys, in a story that, if it had been  made up, one would have sworn was lifted from Greek tragedy.  Karma IS a bitch.

                                      So, now, I am ready to take a ride up to Old Greenwich, CT, and see how Ruthie is doing.  Maybe have tea, and chat!!!!!!!!!!!  Bring her a good, home cooked meal!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        To think--Ruth was ONLY allowed to keep $2.5 million!!!!!!!!!! Now, I could live on that, but how can Ruthie?????????  Why couldn't that have been raised to $25 or $250 million????????

                                          To think, she does her own grocery shopping, and, oh my God--PUSHES A SHOPPING CART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Just look at how pitiful this is!!!!!!!!!  Ruth is living in her world's version of Goat Alley!!!!!!!!!!!  How can one NOT feel sorry for her????????????????

                                         Come on, everyone!  Let's contribute a gift of Fresh Direct to Ruthie, so she doesn't have to do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          And, after talking to Ruth, I want to talk to daughter-in-law Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!  Bet she has plenty to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           But I just LOVE ya, Ruthie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. NO!!!!!!!! Bitch may be pushing a grocery buggy but she's doing it with a HUGE LV bag.

    No way she wasn't in on the whole thing. I wouldn't be surprised to find out it was all her idea.

    No sympathy here.


  2. Little Baby Jade,

    I used to think just like you, and, to a certain
    extent, I still do. Ruth was not a dumb Stepford
    wife, but a highly educated woman. So, there is
    always room to wonder. But losing everything--
    including those you love, I wish on no one.
    Except her scumbag husband!

    And, yes Ruth has an LV one, but I bet it is
    seasons old!!!!!!!!!!!!!
