Sunday, February 7, 2016

"You Should Know The Score, By Now," I'm A New York City Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       "Lookin' pretty, New York City bitch!
                                                        Hello, baby, New York City bitch"
                                                          --revised lyrics of "Native New Yorker,"
                                                         by Odyssey

                             Girls, remember that famous commercial of the egg frying in the pan, with the announcer intoning, "This is your brain on drugs?"  Well, this is my brain with a migraine.  It happened so subtly; Friday evening I was watching Blythe in part two of "Madoff," playing Ruth.  I am telling you, after seeing Blythe's performance, I just LOVE Ruthie, and the is going to be more about her, on here!

                               However, while watching, I felt this ache, iin the back of my head.  I did not think much about it, because I thought it was from leaning against the bed headboard, and I was so captivated by the drama before me.  And Blythe's wardrobe, and hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I really did not give the matter a thought.  We watched the news, with pretty Lonnie Quinn, then turned off the TV, and went to sleep!

                               Everything changed in the middle of the night; the wee hours of Saturday morning.  I awoke, after three AM, because my bladder needed relief, and I discovered the pain in the back of my head had switched to the front, where it was worse than before.  I grimaced, anticipating a migraine, but hoping if I could down two Excedrin Migraine tablets, I could beat this thing!

                                No such luck, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  As soon as I raised my head, I knew it was a full blown migraine.  When I began to walk across the room, my head throbbed painfully, and I felt that nauseous feeling one only gets with a full blown migraine.  And I was supposed to be at work, in several hours!  And to call out sick at my place on Saturday, is political suicide.

                                  So, crawling back into bed with pain, I had my doubts.  I made a valiant attempt when the alarm went off, to rise, and make coffee, hoping that some caffeine would do the trick.  But it did not. As soon as I sank into the chair, I knew I was not going anywhere.  I was sick.

                                    Crawling back into bed, I arose after 9, and phone that I would not be coming in to work yesterday.  I am sure I will hear nothing tomorrow except hysterics about this.

                                        I immediately went back to sleep, and awoke around noon, feeling the storm beginning to break..  Besides, I had to go into the city to get my Keppra, which has made a difference in the frequency of these migraines.  Now, I get only one a year.

                                          By one, I was in the shower, dressed, and ready to go out.  We went to my pharmacy, and then downtown to Three Lives, where i Picked up Wallace Stegner's "Angle Of Repose," which I have been meaning to read and Hanya Yanagihara's  "A Little Life", which I have been intending to read, especially since I loved "The People In The Trees" so much.

                                            My friend, Carol, was working there yesterday, after a press junket of promoting the similarly named film, with Cate Blanchett!  What luncheon chat those two must have  had!

                                               Imagine my surprise, when telling my experiences to Carol, that she had gone through the exact same thing twenty four hours before I did!  She attributed to a drop in barometric pressure, which makes sense, as many people, including my beloved, have been sinusy lately.

                                                 What a day!  It was while in the city, that the after effects of the migraine kicked in, because I was such a New York City bitch, grumbling about crowded subway selfishness, and folks standing on stairwells, as if they are the only people in the world!  Which these entitled creeps,probably think they are!  Yes, I was a REAL New York City bitch!!!!!!!!!  We came home, had company, ate dinner, then watched Lana Turner in "The Postman Always Rings Twice."  Just love Lana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    It just shows, darlings, being The Raving Queen, that I skirt on the edge of excitement!

                                                    Thank God, we saw Chloe and Stinky and Roxy, yesterday.  Stinky let me pet her, and gave sweet doggy kisses!

                                                       Which will cure almost anything, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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