Tuesday, February 2, 2016

It's Groundhog Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Now, girls, unofficially, of course, this day is known as the Day Before Blythe Danner's birthday.  Officially, it is Groundhog Day, so I want to wish you all a happy one, and, as far I am aware, he did not see his shadow, which means we will get an early Spring.  Dolls, I sure hope so.

                      For all the fuss over this day, it has never been given its due.  No one takes the day off; at least, no one I know.  And carrying around a cute looking, but dangerous, oversized rodent, that might bite the carrier, giving them rabies, or at the very least, poop all over them???????  Not on your life, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Aside from Blythe, the really nice thing about this day is that we are now at the halfway point of Winter.  The first half was rough, what with the blizzard, so let us hope the second half is gentler and kinder.

                           And I wonder how Blythe has had to feel, all her life, about sharing things with a Ground Hog????????????????/

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