Monday, February 1, 2016

Mitt Romney, And The Prostitute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Oh, my God, darlings, those Republican sexist pigs!!!!!!!!  Of course, Romney is a Republican, so he will get embroiled in scandal.  The big surprise is that it is a straight one.  Democrats--like Bill Clinton and Elliot Spitzer--tend to straight scandals, but Republican male politicians are usually sexually ambivalent.  Like that Senator who got caught on his knees sticking his crotch through the next bathroom stall in the male restroom at the airport. I know there are enough of you queens on here to know what that means, so when Mitt Romney was caught with an actual--though was she, or was she a tranny?????--prostitute--I was surprised.

                               Not at the hypocrisy, though.These Republican male leaders marry these Stepford wives who look the other way for lifestyle comfort, have affluence, a set of children who usually despise their parents, (and how they get here is a mystery, because the wives are generally sexless!!!!!!!!) so it really isn't that far a jump to strapping on a dildo, or fucking oneself with it, or wearing panties and fishnets.

                                But consorting with such.  Let me tell you, nice respectable men do not consort with prostitutes.  I mean, in Highland Park, once a boy hit puberty, he was not to go near Goat Alley, if he wanted to get into college, and have some kind of reputation.  And even in Bay Ridge, where we live today, there is still a sleaziness about Bay Ridge Avenue, below Third Avenue.

                                During my first incarnation there, one never ventured down there after dark, because there were prostitutes lurking in every corners.  Some of them one might pass on the street, during the day, and not be aware. But, at night, it was a different story.

                                  Which is why I threw a fit when my beloved wanted to shop at Key Foods. That area, while somewhat gentrified, still has a sleaziness about it, and there are prostitutes lurking in every corner, ready to leap out at men, like the insatiable predators they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And you know none of them ever took Advanced Placement Biology!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, the surprise is not that Mitt was caught with a prostitute. It is that, at 68, he still had the impetus, or was able to get it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Or was he????????????????????????

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