Monday, February 15, 2016

Spitzer Can't Keep It In His Pants.....Once Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            As I was just saying, girls, who needs "Answered Prayers," when they are right here!!!!!!!!!  How about the latest with Elliot Spitizer, and the "alleged" assault on this "woman" (who is NOT a prostitute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) at The Plaza????????????????

                             And to think I was thinking of going to The Palm Court for tea!!!!!!!!!!!  Look what I would have missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The most amusing this is the allegation that the young woman, aged 25, is not a prostitute.  So, even if she is not (which I do not believe for a second!!!!!!!!!!) that makes it OK for her to be alone in a swank hotel, with a married, political figure??????????  Come on, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I can guess what happened.  Spitzer wanted a blow job, and when he took out his unclean, and foul smelling thing, she did not want to go near it--can you blame her???--and so he knocked her around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I wish someone would knock around Spitzer!  Or at least force him to take a bath!!!!!!!!!

                               I know these types. They think they're not rank, physically or otherwise, when, actually, they are.  And because Spitzer is such a pig, she probably would not let hm eat her pussy, so he got nothing for his trouble, poor baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Hang your junk up, Spitzer!!!!!!!!!!!  No one even wants it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                All I can say is, Poor Silda!  When are you going to dump this pig onto the street???????????

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