Monday, February 15, 2016

This Blog Owes A Lot To "Answered Prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Even though it has only been two years since my last reading of it, once having completed Melanie Benjamin's "The Swans Of Fifth Avenue," what better work to follow it with than Truman Capote's a clef masterwork?

                                          The sad thing is Capote did not realize that the book he wanted "Answered Prayers" to be had already been written over a decade before--and by a lesser author.  That would be Jacqueline Susann's "Valley Of The Dolls," which, incidentally, turns 50 this year, and is read, and, in some cases, even taught!

                                          As great as "Answered Prayers" is, the only ones who seem to read it are Capote devotees and gays and others of a certain age, who understand fully who the people being written about are, and are as fascinated by them as I am.  Whereas more read 'Valley,' understanding who the people therein are.  I know Truman once referred to Jackie as "a truck driver in drag," which there may be some truth to, but Tru, honey, Jackie got to where you wanted, first, and I think, unfortunately, her book will endure longer.

                                        Which does not mean that 'Valley' is the better book; it's not. "Answered Prayers" is brilliantly written, lyrical in spots, and encapsulates the New York that some of us, when young, yearned for.  And, in my case, got to experience a little of.

                                            But Jackie had the grand roman a clef success Truman saw for his book.  Which is why I feel a little sorry for him.

                                              Whether or not you read Melanie Benjamin's book, you should read "Answered Prayers."  And if you have not read it in awhile, do so again.  'Valley' stays firmly planted where it is, but Capote's work, like fine wine, improves with age, as we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Who knows, darlings, it may answer some of your prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!

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