Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            For us, girls, the fun started almost as soon as we got up.  After listening to Sister Camille, I went and filled out my very elegant card to my beloved, which I knew would make him happy.  I signed, sealed it, and handed it to him.  When he saw the envelope, he burst out laughing.  I could not understand it.  Then, I looked over at my night table, where rested a similar looking envelope!

                            Yes, inconceivable as it may sound, we had each given  the other the exact same Valentine's Day card.  What does that about us?  I guess we are on the same page,and true love reigns, of course!

                              But, what to do with the rest of the day, being  so cold outside.  Only Chloe would venture out in this, and that was early this morning, you can bet!  Now, she is in her house, to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                So, I don't how Valentine's Day will turn out here.  Besides, we have a luncheon date tomorrow, with Uncle Ernest, now 85, as of yesterday, which should be good for several stories.

                                 Whatever you do today, darlings, have a Happy Valentine's Day!  Even if you just play the Original Cast album of "She Loves Me!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   Meanwhile, here is a classic Valentine moment from The Little Rascals.  I am sure many of us remember it!  Forgive the color; I had no choice!  These should remain in black-and-white!!!!!!!!!!!


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