Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Winter Of Our Discontent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Now, darlings, it does not look as nearly as pretty as Varykino, outside, but it sure as hell feels like it!!!!!!!!!!  What am I supposed to do???????????   Tea at The Palm Court??????????  Who the hell wants to go into the city on a day like this, endangering everyone's respiratory system.  And mine!  My God, what if I am needed to sing Fantine??????????

                           So, I think I am just going to curl up, and read.  What could be better than the bitchiness of "Answered Prayers;" and who knows what kind of an influence it might have, on future posting, so watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             To think that tomorrow is Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it??????????

                              The winter will pass.  So, keep you cool, darlings, in this freezing cold!!!!!!!!!!

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