Thursday, February 25, 2016

This Sex Sick Thing Is One Sex Sick Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Nothing is as random as we think it is, darlings!  On the night of January 28, 1983, Michael Cade, then 21, now about 53 or 54, and, already as a youth, with a history of break-ins and violence, since this entitled bitch did not have to do anything, living with his parents, claims he selected the Duffield home in Olanthe, Kansas, to perpetrate his mayhem on.

                                      This mayhem, which included rape and murder,  was heaped upon Janelle Duffield, a 12-year-old girl, who was not only bludgeoned to death with a hammer, but raped!  Raped! At the age of twelve!!!!!!!!!!!!  Paul Duffield, age 15 was sleeping on the couch, and was bludgeoned, but not enough; he ended up being the survivor of this mayhem, which helped convict Cade, who, needless to say, is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, to a Life sentence. Though he is up for parole in 2018, but when you hear the rest of this, girls, this piece of filth is not going anywhere. Nor should he!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The noise awoke the eldest daughter, Kelly, who was then 17.  It was later surmised, around town, after the incident, that Cade had been obsessed with Kelly, stalking her so unobtrusively, she was not even aware of it. Which is why I say his decision to hit the Duffield home was not especially random. It was right on target.

                                         Kelly was kidnapped, and taken from her home. By that point, father John--who had been a suspect, till cleared--awoke around 5AM to the horror he was confronted with.  His wife, Carole, was on duty at the local hospital. He got Paul there fast, and called police about Janelle and the missing Kelly.  Kelly was not found until ten days later; her body in a drainage ditch, near Frisco Lake, where Cade had beaten and raped her, then left her there to die!!!!!!!!!  What scum!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          It killed the Duffields, who died prematurely; John in 1998, then Carole in 2011.  The mystery is why he went only after the children?  Collateral damage?  Picking on the weakest? Had he no idea there was at least one parent in the house, so why did Cade not go after John??????   Carole was at work, which is why she survived.

                                           The whole thing makes me think he had it in for the Duffield children, particularly.  One can only guess why. Even this sicko may not know.

                                            But sicko he is, and when I heard this story I could not think of a more appropriate Bitch Of The Week. You dumb ass, Cade. You robbed those children of their lives, but Paul lives to spite you, and you robbed yourself of a life. Which was going nowhere, fast!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             A truly rotten bitch, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This extremely sick individual is up for parole next month! I pray this twisted prick never sees the light of day.

  2. I don't know you but I love you! No one could have done a better job of expressing how I feel about that scum. Not even me. Thanks for putting to words true emotion.


  3. Goddes......,
    If this sick thing gets parole,
    something is definitely wrong with the
    justice system. I cannot imagine he
    would, as this is someone who would
    definitely kill again, but I am on
    the same page with you!


  4. Lisa,
    Thank you for your kind and supportive words.
    There is no better word to describe this individual
    but scum! May he remain in prison for Life!

  5. Amen. No parole ever! He is where he belongs. Should have gotten the dp


  6. Unknown,

    I agree he should have
    gotten the dp!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Why wasn't this Savage given the death sentence? My God, if anyone deserves it, he does.

  8. I wish they would put him down just like animals.I was 1 year of Kelly and my little brother was in some of Janelle classes.There were 3 people that hung together and Kelly was one of them.RIP girls
