Thursday, March 10, 2016

Can You Imagine, Darlings????????????? Can You Imagine??????????????

                               This woman has not been identified other than as a "Bulgarian tourist," though I am going to call her "Selfish Bulgarian Bitch."  Needless to say, she is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                  The incident seen happened in Ohrid Lake, in Macedonia.  This woman wanted so much to take a selfie of herself and this poor swan that she grabbed at its neck, pulled its wings, anything to pluck it form its natural environment.  She got her selfie, all right, but, because of sustained injuries she caused, the poor swan died, hours later.

                                    You can bet all my animal friends are hopping mad over this!  And so am I!!!!!!!!!

                                      The wonder of it all is how the woman had the nerve to go up and grab a wild thing, unprotected herself, when the creature could--and should have--rightly bitten off her fingers!  It is a shame that this did not happen.

                                        This woman better go into hiding. Because animal activists are going to nail her, but good, and I don't blame them a bit.  Tar and feather the bitch--but don't kill any birds to do it.

                                           Speaking of birds again, this could lead to another attack.  And this time, it won't just be 'Tippi' Hedren,  in that phone booth.

                                             Bur, there are no phone booths, anymore....are there????????????????

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