Friday, March 4, 2016

Doesn't He Look Just So Elegant, Girls????????????????????

                         Ahhh,,,,there's our lovable friend, Gojira, looking so dashing.  Many of you may not realize what a snappy dresser he is, especially with important social engagements, like visiting Sister Camille.  You can be sure he always looks his best, then.

                           Not that Gojira needs to audition, anymore. He has been at the MERYL point for years....Hollywood comes crawling to him!  Including MERYL, who is so anxious to work with him!!!!!!!!!  Can you blame her?  And I know Gojira would love to work with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             If he still had to audition, this would make a great head shot, wouldn't you agree?  Note the elegant green tie, and how it is decorated.

                              Too bad the guys did not look this good, at the Oscars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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