Friday, March 4, 2016

Insomnia's Greatest Cure Returns This Sunday Evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Girls, for those of you, like myself, who have had occasional trouble sleeping through these long Winter nights, help is on the way.  "On The Case With Paula Zahn" returns to its 10PM Sunday slot on ID, and once you get a glance of Paula's garish outfits, and that annoyingly earnest, school girl delivery, everyone will be nodding off happily.

                                  Poor Paula. Once on the fast track, she has now become television's most expendable journalist.  Use her like a wet towel, toss her, then bring her back when there is nothing better around.

                                    Hey, it is a living, right, Paula? A girl has to work?

                                     And what have you done to Aphrodite Jones?  She is a better crime reporter than you, and she seems to have vanished off ID.

                                     Aphrodite kept us awake and engaged. Maybe ID recognizes the true value of Paula and her spot. Sunday is the night before returning to work, and many of us need to get a good night's sleep.

                                       Paula works faster than medication!  Glad to have you back, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!

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