Thursday, March 3, 2016

What The Hell Happened On 'SVU' Last Night??????????????????????

                            First of all, darlings, I do not watch "Orange Is The New Black," nor do I give a rat's fuck one way or the other about it. So, the fact that Abigail Savage plays Gina Murphy on it, means nothing to me. But, last night, on 'SVU,' her performance as Sister Nina Kelly--a nun who may or may not be a nun, or an abusive one, at best--was so over the top, I couldn't decide what award she was going for. The Raspberry????????????

                               "May Or May Not Be" is what the episode should have been called. Instead, it was named "Manhattan Transfer."  Now, once upon a time, kiddies, that was a singing group. How things have changed--and not for the better.

                                 But what is going on?  Let me just say a couple of things--I too wanted Nina to get her mitts off Noah, because I was afraid she was going to toss him out the window.  Which would have really done something to Olivia, who is having enough done to her already.

                                    I am just as confused as anyone about her taking up with Captain Edward Tucker, (the wonderful, and hot, Robert John Burke) and, let me tell you, I agree that Barba (Raul Esparza) was hopping mad, because he was jealous, as he has the hots for Tucker, too. Frankly, I can see them better than I can he and Olivia.  Picture it--big old bottom Barba goes horizontal, while Tukcer the top of tops, enters him, as Barba utters what all tops love to hear--"Oh, do it to me, big boy!  Oh, shove it in me, big boy!"  Olivia does not have enough vivacity to say that. So, come one over to our side, Tucker.  Don't get involved with Olivia--she is trouble.

                                     And now both may lose their jobs. Tucker's cousin is the questionable Father Eugene, played by Michael O'Keefe, looking really ancient, and which always means trouble, so Tucker's involvement in the Catholic sex traficing thing has come into question.  And so has Olivia's complicity in it, for sleeping with him.

                                      What will Olivia do?  What happened to Sister Nina, after she ran out the door?  What about Tucker?  Father Eugene?  How will Barba lure Tucker to seduction?  And how about that Sister Ida?  I would look at her, twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Will Noah just get fed up, and leave? Why not, he is on his own most of the time, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          What about Caprsis and Rollins?  Will Dodd now head SVU?   Or will Finn come back, to do so?

                                             Stephanie March, this show  needs you desperately!!!!!!!!!!  PLEASE come back, Stephanie!  Only you, as Alex Cabot, can sort out this mess!

                                               Because Barba does not have the balls, and he needs to save them for Tucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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