Thursday, March 31, 2016

Even A Good Hair Day Cannot Fix This Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Did you know, darlings, that Medusa was once part of a girl group, known as The Gorgon Sisters?  They were only successful on the Greek isles, during ancient times, and I think their biggest hit was "Snakes In My Hair," or words to that effect.

                                 Even though Medusa eventually, and literally, lost her head, those snakes stayed alive.  Kind of like Joan Didion.  So, with her being a long standing mythological icon, I felt it was high time she was honored as Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Remember, just  looking at her was enough to turn a man to stone.  I have often felt that way about some of the people I see around me, riding on the subway, so I can relate.  But that snake hair was Medusa's selling point. Today, it would probably land her on the cover of "VOGUE."

                                   But she would never get cast in a production of "HAIR." The sight of her would stop the audience stone cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Another Thursday, another bitch, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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