Thursday, March 31, 2016

Fun For Theater Queens Of All Ages....And Sexual Orientation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Tim Federle may just be the Juvenile Jacqueline Susann.  "Five, Six, Seven, Nate" reads almost like a junior version of "Valley Of The Dolls," without phrases like "going down on me" that Susann immortalized.  It is almost getting the 10 to 14 set, ready for theater and/or literature, to experience the big, bad, adult world of both.

                                       As for those like myself, who know that world, well, the book is hilarious--and unerringly accurate.  I have seen mothers to rival Jordan Rylance's.  I have seen actors lie on their resumes.  I have seen the personality involvements and clashings in putting a musical together; as a matter of fact, I was involved in one, myself. So, as entertaining and fun as Federle's book is, every ounce of it is the God's honest truth. Right down to the idea of creating "E.T.--The Musical."  Need I remind everyone on here of a little something called "Spider Man--Turn Off The Dark?"  It put Julie Taymor on the Island Of Lost Directors!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Broadway may not go for booze or dope, nor does it go for crap!!!!!!!!  Though that hardly explains "Spring Awakening."

                                       I am such a bitch!  But Nate is a kid after my own heart!  He could have been me, and his is the childhood I would like to have had.  But so was "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?," which he does not yet know the plot of, but I did, from the age of seven--when it first came out!  I wanted that childhood!

                                         Another relation I have to Nate is his doing many things wrong, because he cares so much. This can be embarrassing, but it also has its rewards--as Nate finds out when he realizes the Shirley MacLaine fantasy any one of us who has ever set foot on a stage has secretly nurtured within our viperous bosoms.  And then there's more, which deserves to be read!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I loved this book so much I have got to read the prequel, "Better Nate Than Ever."  I also think that, done correctly, it would make a fabulous movie.  But casting is the key--the biggest problem is finding a kid extraordinary to play Nate. It would require a male Sydney Lucas, and I cannot think of one, although they are out there.  And how about getting that Theatrical Dynasty, those Keenan-Bolgers, in the mix?  Kristen Chenoweth as Asella?  Can we get Audra McDonald, Jessie Mueller, Gavin Creel or Jesse Tyler Ferguson in there, somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         After reading this book, I am ready to audition once more!  I'll play anything--except the back half of Caroline, The Cow, in "Gypsy!"  And I love about how Nate knew about Karen Morrow's TONY nomination for "I Have A Ball!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          I had a ball with this book, darlings, and so will you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           To quote "Dreamgirls," "It's just show biz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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