Thursday, March 24, 2016

Happy Maundy Thursday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     "Look at all my trials and tribulations,
                                                      Sinking in a gentle pool of wine.
                                                      What's that in the bread? It's gone to my head.
                                                       Till this evening is this morning, life is fine.

                                                       Always hoped that I'd be an Apostle.
                                                       Knew that I could make it if I tried.
                                                       Then we retire, we can write the Gospels,
                                                        So, they'll still talk about us, when we've died."
                                                         ---Andrew Lloyd Webber, "Jesus Christ, Superstar"

                            I don't know how happy it is, actually, because this is the night the Last Supper took place--when Jesus supposedly said, "Everybody get behind the table, for the picture!"--and when Judas Iscariot did the deed!  It had to happen, to pave the way for the Resurrection, and Christianity, but to call all this happy demands questioning.

                             Interestingly, I did not know till very recently--and I was raised Catholic, girls, as I as am sure most of you have figured out!!!!--that this day, Holy Thursday, marks the official end of Lent.  I never knew that.  I was still operating on the childhood premise that Lent ends when that Easter basket full of candy is placed in your hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Never too late to learn, dears!  Still, I hope everyone has a joyous Easter lead-in and Sunday.  Whether it is Mary Magdalene at the tomb, or Peter Cottontail, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 See?????????  And there they are, all gathered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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