Thursday, March 24, 2016

Easiest Bitch I've Ever Picked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  With today being Maundy Thursday, and the day my Bitch Of The Week column always appears, I cannot believe, in all my years of doing it, I have never chosen this selection.  What better winner for this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award than...Judas Iscariot????????????

                                    You have to hand it to Judas, for being an interesting character.  After all, he opens "Jesus Christ Superstar" with the stunning solo "Heaven On Their Minds."  He was portrayed by David McCallum in "The Greatest Story Ever Told" (1965), although the theatrical depiction of his suicide in that film is as false as using Monument Valley Utah for the Holy Land.

                                      Judas was a nasty bitch, but you have to give him his due.  Seldom has a kiss between two men had such impact!  Without it, where would Christianity be????????????

                                       Was Judas a sacrificial lamb?  Only you yourselves can answer that question!!!!!!!!!  But, for Holy Thursday, there is no better choice for Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!

                                         "You liar!  You....Judas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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