Thursday, March 24, 2016

It's Almost Time, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               That's right!  That is Ermadean Walters and Mary Anderson, to let you know Easter is almost here, and at this house that means the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."

                               I mean, look at the brilliant photographic composition of the shot!  Everything about it says drama, from the open anguish on Ermadean, to the puzzlement of Mary.  Where do you see this kind of acting, anymore?????????  And isn't it a pity we don't??????????????

                                This is has been my Easter film for lo these many years.  I know there are some out there who swear by "The Ten Commandments," or "Ben-Hur."  Maybe even "King Of Kings."

                                But since 1968, when I first saw it, at age 13, it has, and always will be "The Song Of Bernadette!"

                                 Get the DVD and watch along with me, girls!  The sanctity starts on Easter Sunday, at 1PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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