Friday, March 25, 2016

Two Holy Days, For The Price Of One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     I don't know how often this happens, or if it has ever happened, in my lifetime, but today, of course, happens to be both Good Friday and The Annunciation.

                      The latter, which paves the way for things nine months later, is when Mary, a virgin--that's right, you better believe it! was told by an angel that she was to be the mother of Jesus. And, listen, when an angel appears to you, and tells you something, you had better believe it.

                         The more important aspect of today, of course, is Good Friday, when Jesus died for our sins.  Now, let's get something straight. It is much more than the day when John Wayne, as the Centurion said, "Clearly, this man was the Son of God," as Jesus expired, and the storm arose. That was only in "The Greatest Story Ever Told," a very flawed film that, nevertheless, should be seen once.

                            It is the most sorrowful day for Catholics, followed Sunday by the most joyous, Easter!  On this Good Friday, I shall remember the things I have to be grateful for, which would not have been possible, without Jesus' sacrifice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And, thanks to Vatican Two, it is the  last meatless Friday, this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a challenge dinner is, during Lent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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