Monday, March 7, 2016

Miss High End Bitch Thinks Well Of Herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             "Now, you're lyin', you're lyin',
                                               I never been so thin.
                                               You're lyin', you're lyin'
                                                'Cause you're sleepin' with that girl
                                                   who thinks she's better than
                                                 She ain't better than nobody.
                                                 She ain't nothin' but common dirt!"
                                                    --Effie Melody White, "Dreamgirls"

                                    And that is exactly what Miss Katrina Benn is, too!!!!!!!!!!!  Four years after she coldly dispatched her wannabe lover, Eric Somuah, back in June, 21012, his family is not about to forget her. And, after seeing a rebroadcast of her story, last night, neither will I!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      That Katrina, she was some piece of cheap goods, who had designs beyond what she should have  been!!!!!!!!!!!!  She clawed her way out of some podunk town in Mississippi--
probably a sharecropper's daughter--who at least had enough resourcefulness to get to Washington D.C. become a Registered Nurse, and work for some medical institute. Nothing wrong with that; in fact, on this alone, Katrina is quite admirable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        But that was not enough for Missy.  As soon as she set eyes on Eric Somuah, who lived in her building, she wanted that MRS, no work degree, that all bitches of her kind seek!!!!!!!!!!!!  And she saw Eric as her  meal ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Except just one thing. Eric was young, hung, hot and good looking.  He was a player, which is what one does when young, hung, hot and good looking.  My days on the circuit are long gone, but, as Lulu says in "To Sir, With Love," "I know they will still live on and on."

                                           Let's face it, dolls!  We all get cast in rolls we don't want.  If you read on here about my high school years, it is clear I was not happy with the role I was cast in!!!!!!!!!  But I did not kill anyone, over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Eric literally had a different girl for every night of the week.  Katrina was known as the "Monday Girl," which meant she was the least important, not good enough to meet his family and friends, but good enough just to satisfy Eric with whatever he needed.

                                              Somehow, Katrina found out she was the Monday Girl, and she did not like that!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, even Wednesday, you are at the halfway point!  So, she took her revenge on Eric by shooting him dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This cold thing just cocked her pistol and--BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 But don't worry. She was apprehended, and now she rots in prison!!!!!!!!

                                                  Another tale of class distinctions, hons!  Don't get mixed up with someone who thinks beyond what they actually are!  You could end up collateral damage, like Eric!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Because you can bet, if Katrina was still out there, and some man she was dating dared to disagree with anything she said, that would be the end of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     This "Fatal Attraction" caused enough damage. But at least she was stopped before she did more!!!!!!!!!!!  And she would have, believe me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Bitch honeychile'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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