Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Now, Here Is A Real Piece Of Scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This guy, David Allen Lucas, is one sick fuck.  A serial killer and rapist, one of his victims includes--are you ready????--a three-year-old boy. That child Colin Jacobs, on May 4, 1979. He slashed Colin's throat--nice, huh?--then did the same thing to the boy's mother--but not before he raped her!

                                How does one excuse such filth?  One does not. Which is why he was sentenced to death on September 19, 1989, after having also murdered Anne Catherine Swanke, a 22-year-old college student, on November 20, 1984.  Earlier that year, on June 9, he attempted to murder Jodie Santiago Robertson, of Seattle, but she survived.

                                  His sad excuse of a story is that at 16, he got his girl friend pregnant--tramp! and what about birth control????--and when she aborted the child, he flipped, causing him to hate all women. Hey, it was her body, and her kid, too!  Mr. Ego thought it should belong to him. Well, go ahead and give birth to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   He actually managed to find a woman to marry him--she must have been a real low life!!!!!!!--and they had a kid, but he did not like the way she was raising the kid, saying she abused him.  I would tend to think he was the abuser.

                                    He worked, or posed, as a carpet cleaner, in the San Diego area, which is how he gained entry to the Jacobs' house.  There is no doubt if this pig had not been caught, more women and children would have been murdered and raped. He is a textbook serial killer, and all I can say is, if he has not been executed yet, then what the hell is the state waiting for?????????????

                                     What a nasty piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Anne Swanke was my friend from college. I have never gotten over her murder.


  2. Dear Joan,

    I am so sorry for your loss.
    I am not surprised you have gotten
    over it.

    Thirty years ago this Summer, a friend
    of mine took his life. I still recall
    that time vividly.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Suzy & Colin were our best family friends. My parents and her husband, Mike have never gotten over it. Colin and I were little tiny but in the wombs of our mamas' and joined at the hip for a little over 3 years together. :(.
    David Lucas was executed in 1989. Beginning of my 8th grade year.

  4. Obviously,we all (above) think of and miss our dear friends often enough took look up the case..

    I think I saw a documentary on Amazon prime for the first time in 2017 ... I'm not sure if it's still on there.

  5. Suzy and Colin were supposed to meet us at Balboa Park that day. We were waiting for her call. She was selling her diningr table set and chest of drawers.... Not a yard sale... He called and drove over... He actually met us all before.. he was a strange acquaintance of another friend of my mom's from highschool.... Such a horrible motive of operation this guy had. He helped Jimmy a trunk for her at a local BBQ. That's it. Preyed and coveted Suzy & Colin obviously.
    Mike and my dad worked together at the Naval Supply Center in SD. They lived in Normal Heights... We lived in Talmadge... Just neighborhoods away... Horrible. Still Devastated. My brother named his son after Colin in honor of.
    Thank you for posting!
    Safe journeys along your path.


  6. Unknown,
    Thanks for the well wishes,
    and sorry you have a personal
    connection to this horrible
    tragedy. Suzy and Colin
    were innocents who did not
    deserve their fate. This
    guy was sick from the get go!
    Narcissism at its most extreme!

  7. I'm curious to where he lived at this time? Where was his family? His kids? How could he commit these awful crimes all the while going home to his family?

  8. You people judge call names what have you? But it's not your family? If you believe in God than you should not judge! He will !

  9. Answers would be great instead of all judgments and name calling?

  10. I lived with Rhonda strang shortly before she was murdered. I knew here daughter April? Was wondering if anyone would know how she is doing or where she is? We grew up together for awhile. Was a devastating time in my life.


  11. Unknown,
    I am sorry about the pain you went throough.
    I have no leads on where she and April are now,
    bur check on here, from time to time. Someone
    may come up with the answer.

    1. Of course you don't You are just talking about something you have knpw idea about you weren't there!


  12. Unknown, I offer insight, not
    just judgement and name calling!


  13. Unknown,

    I am not judging, on the level of God.
    I would never presume too. I do offer
    my opinions on here, and if you don't
    like them, that's just the way it is.
    I do not write posts to hurt anybody.


  14. Unknown,
    How? Because he was a sick thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I dated him all thru high school, he was very nice to me but I wasn't nice to him. I often wonder if I pushed him over the edge.


  16. DirtyFlower,

    What pushed him off the edge was narcissism.
    His girlfriend aborted the child, which he
    considered his because he was the man!
    It laid a groundwork for hatred of all women.

    You were very lucky. You might have been
    a victim, had things gone south.

  17. This guy was bound to be a loser. I know his dad was abusive and I met his mother by accident. She was a real piece of crap too. I lived in an apartment complex in Santee at the time he was sentenced to death. My kitten went missing so I put up posters. A few days later I noticed they had been taken down. A little boy told me that he saw the lady that took them down and that she had my cat. He showed me her apartment. I went and let her know that she had my kitten. She said I was SOL because she found him and he was now hers. I went and got my husband who threatened to call the police. She quickly gave back my kitty (who lived almost 20 years) who was covered in fleas. A few days later, we see her in tv defending her son, David Allen Lucas. We couldn’t believe it! Her name was Patricia Katzenmaier

  18. Most of what am reading is not true! And its so easy to judge if its not your family.. think before you speak .. he still has a family that cares ,until its you don't judge. Everyone has someone..remember that ..

    1. You must be related to that piece of garbage to be defending him. I say hand him up and cut his throat and let him bleed out like he did that practically a baby he killed.


  19. Unknown,
    Oh, I know everyone has someone.
    But if someone I knew turned out
    to be criminally dangerous, I am
    not sure I would feel charitable
    toward him.


  20. Unknown,
    Well, neither were you, darling!

  21. I've been holding on to what he did to me 43 years ,

  22. Unknown,

    Are you talking to me, or someone else
    on here? Because if you read my post,
    it is clear I am not defending him.

    Just sayin', and welcome!
