Friday, April 8, 2016

Poor Blythe!!!!!!!!! What Can She Do About Her Daughter, At This Point??????????????????

                              Gwyneth Paltrow is not looking so good, these days. Actually, she has not been looking good for a long while--like ever since winning the Oscar for "Shakespeare In Love," not getting any decent roles, and now having lost her Princess Ingenue looks that made her career hot for awhile.  No one told Gwyneth that blond Princess Ingenues are a dime a dozen.  No one told her that she should have gone for edgier roles, like what she did in "Flesh And Bone," which was absolutely brilliant.  She would still have a career, had she made that choice.

                                But, now?  Oh, my God, she is a mess!  First trying to be the guru of health food and cooking, now recommending letting bees sting you for skin care--are you kidding?  the pain? and what if some poor person has anaphylaxis????--and finally venturing into Joan Didion territory (a writer she claims to love, though I doubt she understands a word of what Joan writes).  And I doubt she understood Donna Tartt's "The Goldfinch," if she thought it was so great a book.

                                Her street and show biz cred is gone. Thank God for her mother; she and  MERYL are the only real acting blondes out there, who kept going when their ingenue periods ran out. That is because they are consummate actresses. Gwyneth Paltrow is a consummate NUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Oh, honey, get the hell out of the spotlight! It does not want you, anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!

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