Wednesday, May 18, 2016

An Apology To My Readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I am not sure who is wrong here, but it could very well be me, so let me apologize outright, to save myself from anxiety, of which I have more than enough.

                                     It looks like the ridiculous "Feud" project, concocted by Ryan Murphy, is taking fruition.  I still don't know whether I will be playing Gina Gillespie, but it seems like I got the casting wrong.

                                       In the first post, I said Jessica Lange would play Bette Davis, and Susan Sarandon Joan Crawford. It is actually the reverse. Which is even more ridiculous.

                                        Making an effort, I can see Sarandon as either. But Lange as Crawford?  Come on; she is not cut out for it!  Jessica is subtle and understated--two things Crawford was not.  I can even see how she could made over into Davis, but Crawford????????  No way!

                                          So, it looks like this is going to even more awful than first imagined.

                                           Meanwhile,  let's find out what Doggie Downer Olivia is in for on 'SVU' tonight!

                                           Talk to you tomorrow, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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