Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sick Psycho Bitch Convicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            It was like one of the suspense novels I read. On Memorial Day Weekend, 1991, Michelle Lodzinski, then a 24-year-old single mom, went to a carnival at the John F. Kennedy Park in Sayreville. She claims he was abducted, that she went to get a soda, turned her back, and her five-year-old son, Timmy Wiltsey, disappeared. Police searched, but they, and everyone else was suspicious. But, when Timmy's body turned up, badly decomposed, eleven months later at the Raritan Center, an industrial park in Edison.  I think he was found in a drainage ditch.

                            Sayreville and Edison. All white trash communities of New Jersey. And Lodzinksi had been from South Amboy, another place of trash.

                               This bitch took her child to some hidden part of the carnival, and strangled him to death.  The reason--"because he was a burden."

                                 Fuck you, bitch!  This makes you the winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award,  As well as the fact it took 25 years to haul your sorry ass off to jail, where you will rot for the remainder of your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  As her own brother said, Timmy has finally gotten justice.

                                    To think this piece of garbage bagged Jersey for Port St. Lucie, Florida, with some snookered husband, and two children, now 12 and 14.  Bet you kept your past quiet, Michelle, so now you ruined this family, as well.

                                       You should not be allowed near people.  You should spend your prison time, in the hole, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I mean, it's not like your'e attractive or have social engagements.  Hookers working the streets have more class than you!  They don't kill children, simply because they cannot stand being a mother!

                                           I remember when this happened, being a former Jersey resident, myself.  I knew she was guilty, and this was three years before Susan Smith set the gold standard for bad mothering.

                                             So, Michelle, this accolade of Bitch Of The Week is your last.  Hope your fellow inmates tear your hair out,  or tear you pieces.

                                                And when they do--and they will!!!!!!!!!--think about what you inflicted on your own child, Timmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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