Thursday, May 26, 2016

Can You Believe How NBC Hyped This Crap????????????????????

                              After the dramatic buildup from last week, I thought the finale of Season 17 on "Law And Order, SVU" would be explosive.  I was looking to see more of Brad Garrett's chilling portrayal of CO Munson, maybe explaining how and why he got that way.  I wanted to see him gunned down, I expected Barba to be taken out, I did know about Dodds, played by Andy Karl, so I basically expected, with Warren  Leight exiting the show, to see high drama, with the question being who is left to make the show continue.

                               Instead, I got......ho hum.

                                Benson, Benson, Benson. Maybe her guilt over Dodds will force her to re-examine herself, or sit in seclusion in her apartment, with the rain pouring outside, drinking and reading Joan Didion!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  We did not get enough of Brad Garrett, and we did not have the satisfaction of seeing this scum, whom he played well, by the way, get his comeuppance.

                                    If the whole Dodds thing seemed calculated, it is only because Andy Karl is committed to doing a Broadway musical---he is playing the Bill Murray role in a musical version of "Ground Hog Day."  Yes, its run is questionable, which is why I believe Dodds should have been saved, giving Karl an opening to come back, if he wants to.

                                     And speaking of coming back, when is the surprise entrance of Chris Meloni as Elliot Stabler going to take place?  We know it is inevitable. Even Meloni, though he may not want to admit it? And how about Isabel Gillies and the girls???????????

                                       After Dodds got shot, it was all about him.  No more about the outcome of Musnon, his wife and children.  Nothing about the threats on Barba, and where that was all leading.
What bad wrtiing.

                                        And then that ending by the river, with Benson and Tucker walking Noah.  Noah looked like he wanted out of the show, and so, frankly, did Kelli Giddish in this episode.  At one point, I thought they were going to throw Noah in the river.  And when are the writers going to realize that the hot pair is Barba and Tucker. The former is pining for the latter.

                                           Hard to believe this show has been renewed for an eighteenth season!  Talk about beating a dead horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Have mercy on us!!!!!!!!!!  Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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