Thursday, May 26, 2016

Is This Bitch A Woman, Or Some Sort Of Drag Thing????????????????

                                   Let's face it, when an attractive woman wears what is considered too much makeup, she gets labeled a tramp. But when a not so attractive, mannish looking woman does, she gets labeled a drag queen.

                                     Gertrude Baniszewski, this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, lived only sixty years on this earth, but she did enough damage, while living it.

                                       First, starting at 18, she went from one abusive relationship to another. She married John Baniszewski, who abused her, and gave her six children. By the time she divorced him, at the age of 34, with six kids in tow, she married Dennis Lee Wright, another abuser, and making her child total at seven. But there were not the Von Trapp Children, my dears. Oh, no!

                                         Gertrude's crowning moment of Bitch Glory came when, Lester and Betty Likens, who worked for a travelling carnival, asked Gertrude if she would look after their two daughters--Sylvia Marie, 16, and Jenny Faye--and she agreed. But, when the couple was late on a $20 payment, the girls were beaten.

                                            But that is not all.  Beginning August, 1965, Sylvia was tortured, beaten and thrown down the stairs by Gertrude and her older children, whom she encouraged to join in. Maybe they feared their mother, if they did not, or maybe they were bitches, themselves.  The Likens girls and Gertrude's girls accused each other of being prostitutes, with the result of Sylvia suffering abuse from not only the older boys in the neighborhood, but her sister, Jenny was forced to join in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Sylvia was kept in the basement, and when her other sister, Diana Likens, came to visit, and Gertrude would not allow her to see Sylvia. Diana spied on the house, until she spotted Jenny, who told her she was not allowed to talk to her, and that Sylvia was abandoned and abused in the basement for being a prostitute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                On October 21, 1965, Sylvia was brought up from the basement and tied to a bed by siblings, John, Jr, Coy, and Stephanie.  Sylvia was forced to rape herself with a Coke bottle, and Gertrude wrote "I am a prostitute and proud of it," on her  chest.  This was the condition in which Sylvia died.  Once here body was found, the family and neighborhood kids were arrested.
Gertrude was imprisoned, but walked out of Dec 4, 1985, twenty years after Sylvia's murder. She should have received the death sentence!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Gertrude moved to Laurel, Iowa,  (!!!!!!!) where she changed her name to Nadine Van Fossan. But karma bit her in the ass; she died of lung cancer, at 60, on June 16, 1990.

                                                     What a bitch!!!!!!!!!! She deserved more than she got!  And what about those kids and neighbors????????  I hope they rot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Incidentally, one of today's famous bitches is back in the news. Casey Anthony's investigator has revealed a sexual relationship with her--that slut would go after anybody--saying she admitted to killing her daughter, Caylee. Not that I am surprised but why?
The Susan Smith motive--they were an "inconvenience?"  Haven't any of you tramps ever heard of birth control?????????

                                                             Even Myra Hindley had sense enough NOT to have children!!!!!!!!!!!

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