Friday, May 6, 2016

Darlings, "How Can I Jubilate, Sitting In Cages, Never Taking Wing?????????????????"

                             Having finally gotten "The Birds" off my brain, I seem to be channeling "Green Finch And Linnet Bird," from "Sweeney Todd."  That is Celia Keenan-Bolger, at the Kennedy Center, and a lovelier presence and voice could not be asked for today, in this part. Wait till you hear Celia!!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              There will be plenty of jubilation this weekend, as my beloved and I celebrate our sixth--and may there be many more--years together.  A gift I am eternally grateful for.

                                It will be nice to celebrate after the long, dismal week. Even the weather here has been such.  It's enough to dig out a cache of Joan Didion novels--if, indeed, I owned such a thing.  I would opt for the Brontes in this weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                   But listen to Celia!  Can you believe this was done nine years ago????????  And Celia still could do it tonight!

                                     And wish us a Happy Jubilation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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