Thursday, May 5, 2016

Joe Mantello Doing "The Glass Menagerie????????????" You Have GOT To Be Kidding Me, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                "The Glass Menagerie" was done to perfection in 2014, which defined not only the work for this generation, but established Celia Keenan-Bolger's interpretation of Laura as definitive.

                                    So, when I heard Joe Mantello was going to be doing it, I thought, "Hmmmm....he wants to direct it, I don't know if that's a good idea, but let him try."  It would never equal the Celia production, but he is willing to try.

                                       I would not be happy about it, but I would be fine with it.  I mean, if Joe wanted to direct me as Laura, I would have to go to Celia for approval, as I would have a fit stepping into the gem she made of the part, but I would deal with it.

                                        But no.

                                         What Joe Mantello wants to do is act in a production of this play.  With Sally Field, as Amanda?

                                             Sally Field?  As Amanda?  You have GOT to be kidding me, right?  Now, if we were talking about Martine Bartlett, were she alive--the one who played the Mother From Hell in "Sybil"--I would say OK. But Sally Field?  Don't get me started.  This is another Bruce Willis stage fiasco in the making. Hey, Sal, do you think you can hold your own to Cherry Jones?  I doubt it!

                                              And, Joe,hon, have you looked in the mirror?  Because your face says it is time for a Joan River face lift--one you live through--if you are going to, as I would expect, do the role of Tom.  Around the time of 'Angels.' you would have been perfect, but, hell, that is going on almost 25 years, so you are going to play a 53-year-old man who leaves home to travel the world in the military?  Who on earth is going to believe THAT???????????????/

                                                 Why don't you do something challenging, like playing a dominatrix, in bra and panties?????????  Even Jamie in 'Long Day's Journey' you could get by with, but that ship is now on Broadway.

                                                     How about Elphaba in "Wicked?"  Now, that I could see, and in that case I would pay to see a show I have avoided this past decade!

                                                       But Tom in "The Glass Menagerie?"  Get over it, Joe!

                                                        Time for us to go to a rooftop, and bitch it out, like Anne Bancroft and Shirley MacLaine.  I play Shirley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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