Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Another Oedipal Psycho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        There is more truth to the story of Norman Bates than we know.  There are Normans out there, everywhere, it would seem.

                                          One such is Douglas Bradford, who murdered Lynn Knight, a girl who jilted him, at her home in Torrance, Calfornia, back on August 30, 1979.

                                            Doug was smart; an Engineering student at Cal State's Long Beach campus. He was also the eldest of six children--yet, at 27, he was still living at home, with his parents. Uh huh. A real Mama's Boy. His mother was named Norma, like Norma Bates, mother of Norman, and, like her fictional counterpart, Norma most likely dominated and intimidated her son. It would not surprise me if she breast fed him to the age of 14; maybe even older.

                                             Despite this background, Doug was straight, which surprises the hell out of me. Or, maybe he was is just hopelessly stuck in the closet. Because he had issues; women and otherwise.

                                               Also, despite this background, Doug was sportsmanlike, enjoying skiing and boating, among other things.  He met Lynn Knight while skiing.  They dated for about two months, and Doug was expected to accompany her to her sister, Donna's wedding, in Stratford, Ontario, in Canada. Lynn was to be the maid of honor.

                                                But things went sour, and Lynn politely told Doug she wanted to end the relationship, that he would not be going to Donna's wedding.  Doug had told Mama she was "the one."  He was more serious about things, than Lynn was.

                                                   This led to conflict, which Doug could not reconcile. Upset,, and humiliated at a woman dumping him--though he was never much to look at-- Doug began stalking Lynn, driving by her house, not far from his, which he was familiar with.  One day, while stopping by to return a lamp of hers, he discovered another man in the house with Lynn.  He lost his temper, yelling at the guy, throwing the lamp at Lynn, breaking it, and calling her a whore. From here, it was a short step to murder,

                                                      The planning that went into this, darlings! He actually made a home made garrote from wood pieces and picture wire.  He broke into her apartment on the evening of August 30, 1979, and began strangling her.  He slashed her throat and femoral artery. Then he stabbed her 15 times. And tore up the wedding invitation.

                                                           For thirty-five years, he remained free. Mama Norma probably knew the truth; hell, she would have helped bury the body, if it meant keeping her baby Doug home so he could suck from her teat!!!!!!!!!!  I know these types!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I bet she knew he killed Lynn, and kept quiet. Maybe she should have been charged, too.

                                                               In 2014, justice was served Doug, and for Lynn, by a lifetime conviction. This, after he had married, left her, and had a 13 year relationship with another woman, unmarried. Both were most likely tractable types who could be easily controlled, saying nothing but "Yes, sir," and putting meals on the table. Oh, yes, they are out there.

                                                                 Lynn Knight was not such a woman. She discovered the kind of woman Doug did want, and knowing she could not be that, broke it off. It cost her her life. She was actually buried in the red dress she was going to wear to her sister's wedding.

                                                                  No titties to suck now, Doug, as you are in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   It just shows, girls, and I will say it again--

                                                                    If you are dating a guy who still lives at home with his mother--RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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