Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Guess Who Has Been Spotted, Back In Bay Ridge???????????????

                                 Does she only appear in Summer?  Somewhere, tonight, in the Ridge, a distraught mother will once again cry out, "Monster, give me my child!!!!!!!!"

                                  Yes--Frankenstein's Daughter is back!  My beloved and I spotted her early this morning--with a child, one whom she has abducted for her sardonic pleasure--probably to eat him, and drain his blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    It was shocking at first, because--or maybe I was still not yet awake--she looked ALMOST good!  Her face had a glow, like it had had work done on it. But, with that faux Karen Carpenter cut, and the child she was clutching, there is no doubt the abominable creature has returned to Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Beware, darlings!   I am telling you!

                                      Mothers, tell children to be wary of this creature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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