Thursday, June 30, 2016

Can You Believe We Are Halfway Through 2016, Girls?????????????????????????

                                This day never ceases to amaze me, as it sneaks up on us, every year. Today, we are reminded that this is the halfway mark for the entire year.  We have completed the first half of 2016, and it has been an interesting time, and we hope the next half is as interesting. But no heavy drama, please--except on stage.

                                  During the first half of this year, we celebrated my beloved's birthday, my father had his 101st birthday,, there was of course, the TONYS, Oscars, and the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."  Baby Gojira is at his most lovable, while we bid a fond farewell to Missy, but Chloe and Cujo are still with us to brighten our days.

                                    "She Loves Me" was the theatrical highlight of the first half; how could it not be?  Though Jessie Mueller's performance in "Waitress" was heart wrenching and moving. She consolidated her star status.

                                       I have so far read 28 books this year, which means I am good for at least 28 more,  And the Summer beckons with trips, books, and other celebratory fun.

                                        So, the first half has fared well. May we do equally as well in the second half!

                                          Seems like the year just began!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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