Thursday, June 30, 2016

This Mother From Hell Should Be Burnt To A Crisp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Deep  in the heart of Texas, darlings!  That is where Christy Sheats lived, and, as soon as I heard her story, I knew I had found this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                          Christy was married to Jason Sheats, for more than twenty years. They had two girls, Taylor, aged 22 and Madison, aged 17, both living at home. This was the first problem. These girls would have fared better if they run off to L.A. checked into the Hotel Cortez, and been mentored by Hypodermic Sally!!!!!!!!!!!! Because they were living with a deranged woman from Hell--their mother!

                            Last Friday, Christy called a meeting in the living room of their home.  Jason and daughters attended.  Jason was sure Christy was going to explain to the girls their plans to divorce.
Instead, the matriarch of Fulshear  pulled out a gun, and, before her husband's eyes, shot the two daughters fatally.  Both girls ran out onto the street. Taylor died almost instantly; Madison was taken to the hospital, where she died.

                               This is one mentally vindictive, sick bitch. The only reason she spared her husband's life was because she wanted him to suffer the memory of having to live with all this!  Can you imagine?  By the time the police were summoned, Christy wouldn't budge, so it was basically suicide by cop.

                                  What I want to know is--hey Jason, Taylor, Madison, anyone who knew this woman--why wasn't something done?  Like forcing her to get mental help which could have avoided this tragedy. Even being confined to where she could not get at her daughters would have helped things a bit.

                                       It's too bad you are dead, Christy. Not because I am sorry, though I feel for your daughters and husband, who cannot help feeling a mixture of emotions, one of them being grief. At her best, she  most likely was a loving Mom and woman.  But with a history like this, and not getting help, I would say that even if Christy's own mother poured Clorox down her throat, she should have poured more. Then Christy would not have evolved into this sick monster.

                                        If Christy were still alive, everyone should have had a chance to get their turn, and walk up to her, and smack her across the face. This woman needed to be put in her place.

                                          A padded cell!!!!!!!!!!!  Permanently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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