Wednesday, June 29, 2016

"I Really Don't Care, Hargensen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       I love it when Rena Sofer, as Ms. Desjardin, says that to Chris Hargensen and her snotty friend, Tina Blake. They are superbly played by Emilie de Ravin and Katherine Isabelle, and, while I could be shot for saying this, they are actually better than Nancy Allen and P.J. Soles.

                         Sometimes I just feel like a bitch, and lately I have been wanting to give it to someone. Of course, it must be someone who is deserving, and that list is as long as my Summer Reading List, which I am barely making a dent in, as I cannot read faster than I do, even though I am a fast reader. To get through MY list, you need to read a book a day.

                           So, here is Mr. Nerd Teacher--probably closeted--with his AP Literature Course.  Listen to his, then we will talk about MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Help keep my Inner Bitch inner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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