Tuesday, June 28, 2016

They Should Have Been Bedmates, Not Roommates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   When one thinks of the murder, on June 17, 1988, of Roger "Butch" Pratt, the dangers of being in the closet and repressed homosexuality rear their ugly heads.  But  Roger and Ed Swiger, his friend, roommate, and, eventually, killer, should have known better. Had they slept with each other, banged butts together, none of this would have happened.

                                        Ed Swiger, especially, thought he was going to be a world player. Uh huh. So, what is he doing at some little Podunk place in PA called Thiel College????????  Couldn't get near the Ivies, huh, Ed????????

                                         As for Butch, he just wanted an education and a good time.  What he did not realize was that both had Mommy issues, and Ed had control issues.

                                          Butch ended up dating a childhood friend of Ed's from Ohio, named Teresa Wakulchik, who would turn out to be a real bitch, and someone who should have been convicted, along with her girl friend, Caroline Luli.

                                            But, first those Mommy issues. Ed and his brother were the types who were given entitlement by their mother, Ed, especially. They were probably breast fed till they were fourteen, and told the way to get ahead in business is for a man to eat pussy.  I don't mean to be vulgar, darlings, but I have known plenty of examples of this!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Butch's Mama doted on him too, suckling him to her bosom well beyond puberty.  Once they got to college, and the frat house, they clicked, and, instead of exploring their relationship, tried to hide it from the world. Well, I was not fooled.

                                                To keep up the pretense, Ed got involved with some older tramp named Linda Karlen. She was all of 37; I bet her pubes were going gray!!!!!!!!!!   But Ed gorged on her pussy to get ahead, which yielded him gifts, boy toy status, and a job for he and Ed in Linda's furniture store.  Linda thought she was riding some motor horse, like Debra Winger in "Urban Cowboy," but she lacked the beauty, brains and talent of Debra!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  If Ed wants to do this, that is his business. And if things had just kept as they were, nothing would have gone wrong. But, in cases like this, something always goes wrong.

                                                   Linda and Ed had insatiable ambition.  He was going to go to law school, while Butch would go to business school with him. But Linda had criminal tendencies, and, after making some bad choices that left here strapped for money, she asked the boys if they would commit arson on the store, so she could collect.  This was after having known that they stole from their own fraternity house, because Ed was mad over his candidate not being elected President.  So childish, isn't it, darlings????????????

                                                      Prank robbery was one thing; arson was another. Ed would not go along with it; the guy one thought was the bottom now became the top. Ed did not like it, so he got his loser younger brother, Mike,  to do the deed. Eventually, they burned down Linda's house, for the same reason. Ed would not participate.

                                                         The friendship was strained, but still continued.  Ed and Butch graduated from Thiel and headed off to Philly for their advanced studies.  On a June weekend, in 1988, Ed got invited by Teresa Wakulchik to a weekend party.  He had not seen Teresa in awhile, so he was happy to go.  It was the last time his doting, Oedipal Mama, saw him.

                                                           When he got to Akron, he was picked up by Teresa and her friend, Caroline. Like the bitches they were, they delivered Butch to the woods, abandoning him there. Ed and his brother appeared, and for Butch manning up and admitting what he and Ed had done, plus what Ed and Linda had done, he was beaten to a death he did not deserve.

                                                              Ed and Linda, and, I think, Mike, got convicted. I am not sure about Teresa and Caroline, though they should at least be charged as accomplices in a murder conspiracy.  Burn the witches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 If only Ed and Butch had discovered their true potential.  This might not have happened.

                                                                  On the other hand, Ed might have turned out to be an abusive gay partner/straight husband, so maybe it is wise he never fully hooked up with anyone.

                                                                     Butch was innocent.

                                                                      Watch out for these closet cases, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Who the fuck are you to talk shit about anyone? I didn't see you in court when I testified, or with any of the stricken, broken people crying in the corridors. Whole families were torn apart, friends left devastated and lives ended in more ways than one. Since none of those lives was yours, you stupid fucking cunt, keep your snarky, glib brainless judgements to yourself. You think anyone involved is ever going to heal from this? You think you have a right to make fun of their suffering? Think again, you miserable, irresponsible, unfeeling bitch.


  2. B James,
    The blog is called The Raving Queen
    but don't call me a cunt. I am a gay
    man, and you are just one big homophobe.
    You are more upset about my hypothesis that
    had the two men owned up to their feelings for
    one another, things might have turned out for
    the better.

    And just who is being judgemental, darling?????????????

    Brainless? I happen to be brilliant, hon!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. No, I'm sorry, not everything is about repressed gay sexual feelings.

    Ed is a psycopath. He knew that Butch was an easy going guy and somebody that like pleasing. He controlled him, when he could no longer call the shots. He wanted to destroy him. He wanted Butch to change his story or die, so he killed him. No sexual tension there.


  4. Unknown,

    I don't dispute what you say.
    In fact, I agree with it.
    But I do think sexual tensions
    played a part. All I am suggesting
    is, had they not, this tragedy
    might not have happened.

    And thanks for commenting on here
    without attacking me. Oh, I can handle
    it, but it is encouraging to encounter
    one who can disagree--and has the right to--
    in a civilized way.

  5. You really have no idea what you are talking about. I can speak personally about this - this was a tragedy and you just want to make fun of it? Very sad - for you.


  6. Sad Girl,
    First, sorry for your personal connection and sadness.
    But this post was not intended to make fun of anyone;
    only provide, in my opeinion, a context for what might
    have kept this tragedy from occurring.

  7. Hyatt Riot Online,
    You're the riot, hon!
    Ihappen to be brilliant, and what
    do you know about writing?

    "You started your life,
    In an old, cold,worn out, tenement slum>"

  8. you're very weird for talking about dead people like this. being gey does not shield you from criticism nor does it allow you to talk in such a vile way about a tragic case like this one.

  9. said....

    I really don't think I was being vile.
    Just questioning and examining. Hey,
    if you don't like it, go somewhere else.
