Sunday, June 5, 2016

Expressing Fright And Fear, With Determination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Well, darlings, this is IT--the day before my colonoscopy, when I have to drink that God awful stuff, and face all kinds of fears.  If only this stuff tasted better!  If only it had no flavor at all!  If only someone would come up with a better prep.  They will, I am sure, but not in my lifetime, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  What would MERYL or Mary-Louise Parker do???????  I know Miss Ruth would be brave, and I am trying to be brave like Miss Ruth, but I need extra special help.   And there is no more extra special help than Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara, in the penultimate moment from "Gone With The Wind!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Here is that iconic scene to inspire us all.  "I will live through this colonoscopy, and when it's over, I'll never be hungry again!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       "Get off these steps, you colonoscopy!  Get off this land!"


  1. Come on! Everything will pass.

    Affinity can play together, I hope you can play runescape

  2. I was uneasy about my first one. But there is some light sedation, and no real pain...just some tickling inside. Plus the doc let me watch my procedure thanks to a tiny tv on the end of his equipment.

  3. Good luck it's not so bad, I had it done a few times at 44.


  4. Thanks to you all for your kind words and support.
    I made it through, but I will post something soon!
