Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Well, I Think I Am Fine, But Tell Me What You Think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     My blood pressure was up, when I entered the room, and my fingers were shaking.  The only time I remember relaxing is when they put the anaesthetic into me, and the room began spinning.  Of course, I muttered something about "The Wizard Of Oz," then I woke up in my cubicle.

                                      I freaked when I heard the word polyp.  Me?????????  But, then, I am 61. The doctor said it was small, and looked benign.  He said there was nothing to worry about.  He said if I wanted to call him next week, I could--and you better believe, I will!--but he said basically I should not return for another five years.

                                       Which sounds like I am basically OK.  But for someone who had nothing on the last two, to this on my third, I thought God was calling me home, like Miss Ruth, and I am not as brave as she is, nor do I feel my work on this Earth has been done yet.

                                         Of course I will let you know about the doctor's words when I call next week, But I would think if something were up, he would say so sooner, or let me know then.  It wasn't like Peggy Lipton, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So, now, it is time to look forward to fun stuff!  Like celebrating Auntie Alvin's birthday, on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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