Monday, June 27, 2016

Happy Belated Pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I was not sure what we were going to do on Pride Day. After Orlando, and the announcement of the potential size of the crowds, we did not feel keen on marching into Manhattan. An upset stomach of mine, the night before, very minor, made the decision for us, and so we had a restful and relaxing Pride.  We both have done our share when younger, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               What a cap off to a moth that started with events and continued--birthdays out the wazoo, the tragedy of Orlando, the West Virginia floods, a destination wedding destined to make history; at least in our family; the death of my Aunt Jane; now my father is the last surviving member of the generation of people we knew I grew up around.  I knew this time would come.  Seems like it came all soon.

                                  But July will be here, picnics, fireworks, and all kinds of other fabulous Summer events. Plus a visit to my father or sister somewhere in there.

                                    June was a month of event even I could not keep with. And I still have not seen "The Crucible!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Channel 13 should have shown "The Killing Of Sister George" Saturday night!

                                      May July be calmer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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