Monday, June 27, 2016

The End Of An Era, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It was a memorable weekend, in a month that has been a month to remember.

                               Now, some of you may know that, since 1990, I have been going to the Mermaid Parade, at Coney Island.  Though I have missed some, over the years, and this was one, as the event was on Saturday, the 18th.  Part of the highlight of the Parade--and it eventually outstripped it--was a pre-parade luncheon at Carolina's, just a block from Stillwell Avenue. Thus a tradition was born, that lasted a good ten years, or more.  Until the year, we showed up, to discover Carolina's was no more; it had been sold the winter before and was now--a Chinese buffet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Hardly the bill of fare for this group.  That year, we had to settle for the smallest, and hottest--non-air conditioned, on one of the Summer's hottest days--pizza parlors.  The food was actually quite good, but the atmosphere was low class.

                                   The following year, we tried Garguilio's, also near Stillwell.  Though we were the only ones in the place, they still enforced their dress code, so when I came out of the bathroom, changed into Summer wear, just before leaving, the staff gave me dirty looks.  I gave them right back. And that was the end of that place for us.

                                      Finally, we found Fiorentino's, and for about ten years it served as our annual meeting place, as much to see everyone, as to sample their stuffed escarole, which I have never had anywhere else.

                                       History repeated itself this year.  We arrived to discover Fiorentino's was gone; the family having sold off the place in January. Rumor is it will become a Jewish Deli!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Times change, the parade has changed, we have changed, with age, but we will continue to pursue our annual culinary event as long as we can find a suitable place. Which may not be in Brooklyn, anymore!

                                            Only time will tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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