Friday, June 10, 2016

I Am Really Feeling My Bitch, This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Well, hardly, darlings!  But I seem to inspire emotions on here, especially from ID (Investigation Discovery) watchers.  If ever I went to a convention, and revealed who I actually was, here online, I would most likely be attacked by a mob.  What a blog post that would make. Maybe it would go viral.

                                   Really, I may not be Little Nell From The Country, but I am a simple thing, at heart.  I love my beloved, the neighborhood dogs, my books, and other creature comforts.  Wouldn't I look fabulous in that outfit, girls?  Just in time for Summer!

                                     Tomorrow we celebrate (a little early, as it is mid-week) Auntie Alvin's birthday!  What an adventure that will make!

                                       I will be sure to tell you all about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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