Friday, June 10, 2016

Now, THIS Is How To Handle A Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         With prom season just around the bend, I suppose it is not surprising "Carrie" keeps popping into my head. The 1976 original turns 40 this year, and I don't think I have seen it since. It is so indelibly branded into me I never felt the need to see it again.

                           But, in reading about the film, over the years, I had completely forgotten that the gym teacher, (called Miss Collins here, unlike Miss Rita Desjardin,
 in the novel, and other adaptations) and then played by up-and-coming Betty Buckley, actually hauls off and smacks Chirs Hargensen (Nancy Allen, here) across the face!

                             When I saw this scene recently, I was like, WOW!  This could not be done in schools today, and the scene could never be done on screen. The teacher today would face charges, but in the case here, they would be wrong.

                                Chris Hargensen, whomever she was played by, deserved a good smack across the face.  In school and life, we face plenty of Chris Hargensens, and while we cannot do this ourselves, it is so satisfying to watch someone else do it for us. It gives the viewer a vicarious thrill, which is why "Carrie" has a sort of timelessness to it!

                                    Here is that iconic moment!  Use it to satisfy getting back at the Chris Hargensens in your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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