Thursday, June 23, 2016

Portrait Of Parents From Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Imagine me saying the other day it  would be a long road to finding as scumbag a couple as Hedda Nussbaum and Joel Steinberg.   Well, I am here to report now that the dual winners of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, Daniel and Savilla Stoltzfus, are not that far behind.

                               Now, Lee Kaplan, the pedophile who got involved with them--or maybe them him--is your garden variety filth.  He may have hidden those girls for years in his suburban Philly enclave, but once caught, one knew what one was dealing with.

                                Daniel and Savilla are just mercenary, sex sick scum.  I mean, just look at them; especially Savilla, who looks like an extra from Whitewood, Massachusetts from "Horror Hotel."  Even on her worst day, Joan Didion would win over her in a beauty contest.

                                 The Stoltzfuses were desperate; no money coming in, and they could lose their farm.  Instead, they cross paths with Kaplan, and sell him something else--their fourteen-year-old daughter, who lived with Kaplan , giving him two children by the time she reached the age of eighteen, four years later.

                                     Call Child Services, and have these two locked up. Let the inmates mete out their own justice, in the prison system.  Oh, I know I sound judgmental, but damn it, what these two sickos did, and their excuses for it, make me sick.

                                          And just what is it with rural Pennsylvania??????  I am telling you, there may be fabulous eating places, like Shady Maple, where obese cows from all over the country can pig out on what passes for them as gourmet food, as fat trash wouldn't know the difference, anyway, as long as it tastes good going in, and shits out just right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             This region is inhabited by folks like the Stoltzfuses, the type of people who have sex with the cow, or their daughter, and it does not make a difference.  Maybe the whole area should be cleaned out.  Maybe the Amish should step forward, to reassure the rest of what they call us heathens that they are not like this.  I am not sure I would believe that, right now.

                                                 What I do believe is that two better candidates for Bitch Of The Week this week could not be found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     If these two don't scare you, I don't know what will.  Diana Ross??????????

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